One Salon and Spa Michigan

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One Salon Boutique / EcoSqueeze

10603405_829168727116193_5368520755472407391_nPhyllis Garabedian is the creative for force behind the amazing EcoSqueeze products available in the One Salon Boutique. She has been recycling and salvaging since her youth, even before it was fashionable. Though not formally trained, her experience throughout many years has given her eyes the ability to see beauty in those articles that others may look at as being past their prime.

She began making bags as early as the 60s, but within the past several years started to purchase vintage leather coats in order to repurpose them into bags and totes. When her daughter used these bags, she was constantly asked by others where they might purchase her bags only to discover that they were handmade. Then the requests came. Followed by more requests which led to eventually featuring them in various venues in southeastern Michigan.

For a little variety this past year, Phyllis began recycling wool/cashmere sweaters into mittens which has proven to be well received. She is always on the lookout for items she can fashion into something new and different.